Our Team


Kim Weller

General Manager

With over 10 years of international experience in rehabilitation and wellness senior management roles, Kim is deeply passionate about promoting addiction recovery, positive mental health, and holistic wellbeing. Kim brings over a decade of lived experience in AOD addiction recovery, enhancing her empathetic and effective approach.

Kim is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, CBT therapist, Mindfulness and Meditation practitioner, and has studied the Neuroscience of Addiction at Harvard University. Her goal is to help others find their unique path and therapeutic tools to make positive, lasting changes in their lives.

Andrea Perry - Clinical Director

Andrea Perry

Clinical Director

Andrea Perry is a Clinical Director specialising in mental health, particularly Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) and withdrawal management. She is a Registered Nurse (RN) with a major in Mental Health, certified by the Australian Therapeutic Community Association (ACTA) and Suicide ASIST, and a member of the Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia (DANA). With over seven years in a Therapeutic Community, Andrea combines professional expertise with personal experience to connect deeply with clients. She is passionate about eliminating stigma around mental health and AOD. Outside work, Andrea enjoys family time with her husband, five children, and two dogs and is an avid fitness enthusiast, reader, and AFL fan.

Karl Gratton

Program Manager​

Karl is a qualified Counsellor/Psychotherapist and a long-term meditation teacher and instructor. After practising as a monk for ten years, studying philosophy in-depth and practising in Australia, India and Sri Lanka. Karl brings an integrative approach to therapy through the sharing of poetry, music, philosophy and meditative experiences. Karl’s interests include: Deep nature connection, poetry, dream observation and analysis, existential psychotherapy, depth psychology, human development, philosophy, music and meditation. Qualifications& Therapeutic Modalities:
  • Bachelor of Integrative Psychotherapy
  • Buddhist Studies Program, Masters Program (Chenrezig Institute Australia, India & Sri Lanka)
  • Certificate of Commendation for Academic Excellence (Griffith University, Brisbane)
  • Certificate III Individual Support
Pau Francis - Admissions Manager at Palladium Private

Paul Francis

Intake Manager

Paul spent the first part of his career working for the British Diplomatic Service. He migrated to Australia in 2008.

For the last ten years he has been working in the personal development and mental health industries.

Paul is passionate about Palladium Private’s holistic approach to mental health and heads up a team of intake consultants who share this passion.

Therapy Team

Dr Lisa Jones-Psychologist at Palladium Private

Dr Lisa Jones


Dr Jones has extensive experience in treating an array of mental health issues including depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety and stress, as well as a specialised interest in treating C-PTSD, PTSD, trauma, and dissociation.

She has supported many clients from diverse backgrounds through their struggles with addictions to alcohol, illegal and prescription drugs, food, gambling, sex, and pornography. 

She works broadly from a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) framework and incorporates evidence-based therapeutic modalities to customise treatment plans for each client.

Rebekah Bateman-Psychologist at Palladium Private

Rebekah Bateman


Passionate about helping clients achieve their wellbeing goals, Rebekah’s special interests are in the treatment of addictions, eating disorders and trauma.

She utilises Neurodiversity-Affirming Therapy to develop individualised treatment plans that meet the needs of the client – not a one-size-fits all approach; non-judgemental, caring, and compassionate.

Rebekah is experienced in various sectors from public, to private, homelessness, domestic and family violence and acute mental health.

She is also the proud mother of two beautiful therapy dogs.


  • Bachelor of Psychology
  • Post-Graduate Diploma of Psychology
  • Masters in Counselling
  • Member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS)
  • APHRA-registered Psychologist
Josie Coco - Psychotherapist at Palladium Private

Josie Coco

Group Facilitator

Gestalt Psychotherapist

Josie’s psychotherapy approach supports her clients to overcome obstacles to thriving and living well.

Gestalt, in conjunction with other therapy modalities – coupled with her living experience – means Josie’s presence and awareness facilitates her clients’ meeting their challenges.

She has a keen interest in complex trauma and neurobiological advances in trauma recovery.

With extensive health and wellbeing experience and as the founder of two successful businesses, Josie has a broad understanding of the challenges of our modern lifestyles.

Qualifications & Therapeutic Modalities:

  • Masters of Gestalt Psychotherapy
  • Certified Practitioner – The BodyTalk System™
  • Graduate Certificate in HR Management & Development
  • Nursing, Midwifery
Scott McKay - Psychotherapist at Palladium Private

Scott McKay

Mental Health Social Worker

Scott is a compassionate, attachment-based therapist who brings a warm, non-judgmental, style to his practice, supporting clients to collaboratively explore, understand and transcend their challenges. He has over 12 years’ experience working therapeutically with clients in both public and private settings.

Qualifications & Therapeutic Modalities:

  • Master of Arts (Oxford)
  • Master of Social Work
  • Member – Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW)
  • Mental Health Social Worker Accreditation
  • Clinical Trauma Professional Training Certification
  • Trauma, Attachment and Neuroscience (Bessel van der Kolk – The Body Keeps The Score)
  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
Claire Meraki - Duty Manager and Palladium Private

Claire Meraki

Social Worker

Claire holds a caring and safe space for guests to explore and heal.

A professional Social Worker, she has experience in Domestic and Family Violence, Homelessness, Horse Facilitated Learning, and Festival settings.

Therapy sessions feature skilled listening and a trauma- sensitive approach, and are led by the unique needs of each individual.

She is inspired by the potential of the human spirit.

– Bachelor of Science
– Masters of Social Work (Qualifying)
– Certificate in Sandplay and Symbol Work
– Satyananda Yogic Studies
– Member, Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW)

Retreat Team

Fleur Elliot

Program Facilitator

Fleur Elliott is a Program Facilitator with seven years’ experience in the Community Services Sector specialising in Trauma Informed Care and Alcohol and Other Drugs. Fleur has a Certificate IV in Community Services, Diploma in Community Services, Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs, Suicide Assist, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention and Mental Health First Aid. Fleur is passionate about working collaboratively with a multi-disciplinary team and drawing on mutual understanding and lived experience to help support clients achieve holistic change. Fleur is an avid lover of animals, health and fitness.

Allison Bright - Duty Manager at Palladium Private

Allison Bright

Program Facilitator

Mindfulness Facilitator

Allison’s mission is to make a positive difference to as many people’s lives as possible. She strives to help people become empowered, self directed and at peace with themselves through mindset management.

Qualifications & Therapeutic Modalities:

  • Graduate Diploma in Gestalt Psychotherapy
  • Certificate IV Life Coaching
  • Practitioner Neurolinguistic Programming
  • Certificate IV in Small Business Management
  • Certificate III Education Suppor
Thelma Vlamis - Duty Manager at Palladium Private

Thelma Vlamis

Program Facilitator

Mindfulness Facilitator

Thelma is a certified Holistic Counsellor who went through her own self-discovery process and career change from Environmental Science to Counselling.

Thelma takes a client-centred, process-orientated and somatic approach to working with her clients. She is passionate about guiding clients to connect into the body and its innate wisdom, feel emotionally stronger and find the strength to make changes in their life that align with what gives them purpose and fills their cup.

  • Qualifications & Therapeutic Modalities:
  • Bachelor of Science with First Class Honors
  • Post-graduate Degree in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy
  • Certified Holistic Counsellor

Cathy Baxter

Night Support

Cathy loves the opportunity Palladium Private gives her to connect with people and support them on their journey journey back to mental health. She is inspired everyday by the strength and beauty of the human spirit. Cathy brings joy and lightness to the space she holds with guests and makes everyone feel welcome in their retreat home.

Brad Evans - Admissions Consultant at Palladium Private

Brad Evans

Intake Consultant

Brad has been with Palladium Private in various roles since 2008 and is passionate about the program and its outcomes. In his Intake Consultant role, he is the first step in a client’s journey to Palladium Private and he finds it extremely rewarding.

Brad comes with lived experience that helps him understand, empathise and provide valuable advice to each individual who reaches out to him.

Brad firmly believes in the holistic approach and loves the uniqueness of being human. He values building trust and a close relationship with each potential guest. Every individual is unique, and he personally finds it incredibly rewarding to watch their lives change as they learn to create a new way of life.


Juliette Kalifa

Art Therapist

Juliette is a registered creative arts counsellor and supervisor with over 20 years experience. Working with individuals, families and groups has contributed to her understanding of existential dilemmas, trauma, grief and loss, and their impact on relationships. She combines counselling, psychotherapy and the arts to explore who we are and how life is for us. Juliette holds a Masters by Supervision in Experiential and Creative Arts Therapy.

Shivani Shoederer - Yoga Teacher at Palladium Private

Shivani Shoereder

Yoga Teacher

After studying and teaching in various disciplines, Shivani found her passion in Yoga, which she has been teaching for 6 years (as at Oct 2022).

After witnessing the transformation that Yoga practice brought to her own life and the lives of others, she firmly believes Yoga has the power to bring people to a more peaceful and integrated state, and ultimately back to their true Self.


  • Level 2 Yoga Teacher
  • Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Training (Centre for Trauma & Embodiment, JRI Yoga Program)
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences
Christine Clegg - Mindful Movement Facilitator at Palladium Private

Christine Clegg

Remedial Massage Therapist

Mindful Movement Facilitator

Christine brings a diverse skill set and broad life experience to Palladium Private. She began her career as a Marine Scientist and has also worked as a professional Musician, Yoga Teacher, Installation Artist and Host of Ceremonies.

Christine has an enduring passion for the healing arts, centred around the power of the mind-body connection.

Qualifications & Therapeutic Modalities:

  • Diploma of Remedial Massage
  • Massage Therapy (Kahuna and Heartworks Lomi Lomi)
  • Level 2 Yoga Teacher
  • Mindful Movement and Embodied Dance Facilitator
Radhika Evans - Massage Therapist at Palladium Private

Radhika Evans

Remedial Massage Therapist

Radhika has had an interest in astrology, yoga, meditation and holistic health for quite some time which has led to her studying many modalities over the years, including massage.

She loves helping others achieve their goals and enjoys sharing her knowledge. Massage therapy allows Radhika to work with the body as a whole, taking a holistic approach to healing – incorporating body, mind, emotions and environment.

Her treatments are tailored to each client’s needs, what will be most beneficial for them and have the greatest impact at this stage of their life experience.

Qualifications & Therapeutic Modalities:

  • Diploma of Remedial Massage Therapy
  • Myotherapy
  • Yoga Instructor
  • Reiki Master
  • Acutonics Level 1
Alyssia Hall - Remedial Massage Therapist at Palladium Private

Alyssia Hall

Remedial Massage Therapist

Passionate about holistic wellbeing, Alyssia is a dedicated Remedial Massage Therapist with expertise in Sports, Deep Tissue, Relaxation, and Lymphatic Drainage techniques.

Embracing a BioPsychoSocial approach, she customises client sessions to prioritise integrative wellness outcomes.

Alyssia’s dedication to mindfulness and breathwork enriches the healing experience. She strives to relieve pain, ease stress, enhance vitality and guide her clients on their path to wellness.

Qualifications & Therapeutic Modalities:

  • Diploma of Remedial Massage Therapy
  • Diploma of Business
Bec Combs - Duty Manager at Palladium Private

Bec Combs

Dance & Drumming Facilitator

Bec is undertaking a Masters in Gestalt Therapy with Gestalt Therapy Brisbane. She facilitates Drum & Dance workshops at Palladium Private and has trained in West African Drum & Dance in Guinea, West Africa. Bec is co-founder of Rhythm Culture and continues to share rhythm and dance to organisations and schools in South East Queensland. She has a passion for mindfulness, music and all things fun.
Brendan O'Shea - Somatic Mindfulness Facilitator at Palladium Private

Brendan O'Shea

Somatic Mindfulness Facilitator

Brendan draws on the life experience of managing his own depression and anxiety to teach mindfulness. He was a Buddhist monk for six years before studying yoga, then counselling, both of which taught him the power of mindfulness to change a life from within.

Learning about mindfulness in Brendan’s sessions can be challenging, however there is usually plenty of laughter and insights in the mix. Each session begins with an educational talk about mindfulness, followed by somee theatre/improvisation warm-up games to relax and loosen-up before finishing with a healing guided meditation.
He brings all his passion, performance skills – and his own personal experience of living with depression – to Role Play.

Role Play is a great way to deepen our mindfulness by becoming more aware of our bodies and our emotions. It’s challenging but rewarding work. Knowledge is power, and self-knowledge is self-empowerment.

Each session begins with a talk about mental health and finishes with a guided meditation for relaxation and integration.

Kyle Merillo - Head Chef at Palladium Private

Kyle Merrilo

Head Chef

Kyle began his culinary journey a little over 20 years ago and it has allowed him to travel all over this beautiful country – a passion of Kyle’s.

He believes in high quality, honest food that brings people together Kyle plans each meal with care and attention to flavour profile, nutrition, balance and satisfaction.


  • Certificate III in Hospitality (Asian Cookery)
Matthew Fleming - Head Personal Trainer at Palladium Private

Matthew Fleming

Head Personal Trainer

Matt has over 10 years’ experience as a Personal Trainer. It has been his passion to help others learn the correct training and form principles to achieve the best desired results – which is unique to each client.

Matt was previously the Gym Manager and Head Coach with Eclipse Gym in Kyneton, Victoria. He is currently the PT Leader at Palladium Private.

Matt has an extensive background in strength and conditioning as a former competitive National Champion Powerlifter. He specialises in boxing, group classes and individualised programming for specific health and fitness goals.

Matt consistently receives glowing feedback from our departing guests and is valued for his energy, adaptability and caring approach to each client’s challenges and aspirations.


  • Certificate III in Fitness
  • Certificate IV in Personal Training
  • First Aid & CPR